Hemp-Derived Cannabidiol (CBD) for Brain Health And Balance Endocannabinoid System.

Hemp CBD oil support the body’s antiviral and natural healing capabilities, has been shown to reduce vomiting & nausea; suppress muscle spasms; and reduce seizures & convulsions.

It also has been shown to:

• promote relaxation and overall health,

• relieve anxiety,

• reduce cravings,

• aid in digestion; and

• supports optimal immune function and the regeneration of healthy cells

These are small bottles of liquid high-potency, Pure Hemp Oil, sometimes called tinctures, that you take by dropping ½ dropper full of oil under your tongue once in the morning and once again in the evening. There are 50 servings of Premium Hemp Oil per bottle.

The 4 different potencies are 300mg, 500mg, 750mg and 1500mg. You take the same amount regardless of which one you’re using, it’s just some are more potent than others.

➢ The 300mg drops are for those looking to maintain optimal health.

➢ The 500mg drops are for those looking for a slightly higher-level CBD oil to stimulate optimal health.

➢ The 750mg drops are for those looking for even a higher-level of CBD oil to maintain healthy immune function.

➢ The 1500mg drops are the highest level of CBD oil to support the body’s antiviral and natural healing capabilities.

All 4 potencies are naturally flavored with peppermint, so they taste great! They are all made from Non-GMO, Pesticide Free, CO2 Extracted Hemp Oil using only organic ingredients. And like all our products, they’re manufactured in the USA in a registered GMP, cruelty-free facility. Click here Shop Now!

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